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    Sea-ing Sense Haiku 

About Haiku

Haiku are short Japanese -style poems of seventeen syllables, in three lines of five, seven, and five, traditionally evoking images of the natural world.


These Haiku were composed by the visually impaired people and volunteers in our workshop groups:-

     Redcar Beach in the Spring

Many winkles and
Hermit crabs, “sailors trousers”
Patterns in the sand

Authors: Johnathan Wilkinson, Myra Graham, Jacky Watson

Seaweed, shells, sandy

Smooth, shiny, coloured sea-shells

Feeling young again

Authors: Avril Olbromska, Hazel Cowan,

Marjory Parsons, Irene Robson


Waves crash on the shore

Gulls above, singing loudly

Bumpy rides on sand

Authors: Kath, Carol Wade, Susan Tarant,

Sue Antrobus 

Washing over sand,

the sea, undulating waves

splashing noisily

Authors: James Hopper, Wendy Throw,

John Throw 

Fresh and blustery

Bumpy ripples in the sand

Riches from the sea

Authors: Rosemary Scott, Maria Carnaffin,

Jean Ryan, Simon Leahy

Atmosphere cold, windy

sea slug shivers and slithers

pink cheeks, runny noses

Authors: Emma Sunley, Leigh Nicholson, Glenda Fraser, Holly McHugh, Steve Ashton.

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